Friday, May 17, 2013

New Guild On Art Fire

There's a new guild on Art Fire.  The Art Fire Bloggers Guild  is a group of artisans dedicated to promoting each other through bloggong.  the membership is open to all Art Fire shops.  So far it's a small but highly talented guild.

I just joined this guild and created this Art Fire collection highlighting some of their products.  Here's a sampling of the items in this collection.

From The Art Fire Bloggers Guild



  1. Hooray! This collection is on the front page of Artfire today! Thanks for highlighting some of the wonderful items available from Artfire sellers.

  2. You have made a beautiful collection. I am excited to try blogging.

  3. Thank you for creating the collection! It made it to the FP! You're simply awesome. Thanks again!


  4. Thank you for joining the guild. We can all help each other!

  5. Happy to now be a part of this guild :)

  6. Happy to meet you and the others in this new way. I think your collection has had the longest run in history on the Artfire front page! Yay for us!

  7. So glad that you joined the guild! I'm really enjoying all the blog posts and thank you for including my note cards set here in this post.

  8. Great introduction - thank you for putting this together and I have shared it.
    Julie and Blu

  9. Congratulations on not only making the first collection featuring artists from the ArtFire Bloggers Guild, but for also having it chosen for the Front Page. It was awesome to see it on display for such a long time. I kept thinking the people who make the FP selections must really think that is one fabulous collection because it is!
